Statement of Purpose

The purpose of Helderberg Christian School (HCS) is to help Christian parents carry out their responsibility to educate their children with a Christian world view. The school seeks to provide a quality academic program which is founded upon Biblical principles.

The Bible clearly directs parents to educate their children in the knowledge of God (Deuteronomy 6:4-7). This responsibility covers not only religious education but also the entire learning process. To enable parents to fulfill this God-given responsibility, HCS seeks to complement the instruction, faith and knowledge which a child receives at home and in the church. HCS is not a substitute for parental education, but is an extension of it. The school is also not a substitute for the church, but seeks to reinforce the instruction and nurture the church provides the child. We teach basic Biblical truths and doctrines while acknowledging that it is the responsibility of parents and church to teach the distinctives of the faith.

Each child will be encouraged to grow: spiritually by trusting God the Creator, knowing the love of Jesus Christ, obeying the Word of God and by fostering a love for world missions; intellectually by learning skills for effective communication, comprehension, computation and aiding students in recognizing in every area of study the revelation of God in creation and in the Scriptures; emotionally by having a sense of personal worth as a creation of God and a recipient of His Love, by feeling accepted and secure as well as developing self-discipline, self-control and self-confidence; socially by working and playing cooperatively, showing concern, love and respect for others, assuming responsibility for personal actions, and practicing good citizenship; physically by participating in activities that promote health, fitness, coordination, physical skills and encouraging good sportsmanship.